Whether you are off on holiday or not we all want to feel our best don't we? And, if you are going travelling you don't want to feel under par or unwell when way from home.
When we take good care of ourselves, we are more likely to make healthier food choices and gain long-term health and happiness. So, I just want to share with you some tips to keep you and your family healthy during these summer months.
Follow these simple steps over the summer to help you feel better and keep your health goals on track, without feeling deprived.
My Top 5 Tips for feeling your best:
Breakfast - eat a nutritious breakfast such as porridge oats, banana with nuts and seeds, or eggs as they will all keep you fuller for longer
Fruit & Veg - eat plenty of vegetables to keep your digestion healthy as well as filling you up more and you will eat less of the foods that may be more calorific
Water - keep adequately hydrated - it can be all too easy to forget to drink water but it is really important especially in the warm weather and if you are drinking alcohol. This is one simple thing you can do to keep yourself healthy and well (2)
Eating out - choose your indulgences carefully - don’t think it has to be ‘All’ or ‘Nothing’ I allow myself my treats in the evening when eating out
Sleep - make sure you get enough sleep. Many people sleep better when on holidays and find that they feel so much better as a result. However, it can be tempting to have too many late nights. So, have plenty of restful nights with a good book and it will do you the power of good (3)
I know these tips are very simple, but in my experience, it’s often the basics that get forgotten about. A couple of easy changes that you stick to, will benefit your health more than drastic lifestyle changes that only last a week or two.
Some Recipe Inspiration For You:
There are lots of lovely recipes that provide sound nutrition and taste great, so that you can still eat well whilst away. Below are ideas for breakfasts, snacks, lunches and more substantial meals that would be great to eat outdoors. Perfect for summer. Why not spend some time planning your meals before you go away so that if you are with friends/ family get them involved too?
Breakfast ideas that the whole family will love
Eating a healthy breakfast will really help to put you on a positive healthy path and you are more likely to keep choosing healthier foods throughout the day, so why not try:
Pancakes, eggy bread, bircher muesli, porridge, breakfast smoothie
Picnic and lunch ideas Many of us having outdoor picnics so click below for some great food ideas for you that you can take out and about. Click here for picnic and lunch recipes Remember, if you are going on holiday, enjoy yourself and have fun! Do you want to start afresh but you need some help and support? Would you like a plan for when you come back to get your health back on track? If yes, please Get in touch NOW and see how I can help and support you to you live your very best life.